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Sundays Are For Attempts
Posted: July 28 2024 | Written: July 28 2024

So last week I made myself update, even going so far as typing an article out and copying it over to the web-editor entirely using my phone. I had been working on a story to post for wednesday, and I have plenty of pics to choose from for Photo Fridays. But the week was tougher than planned. I had planned to finish the story on thursday and redeem myself on friday by at least posting a photo on time.

Then a whole lof of news from home came down which I won't share here, everthing's fine, but at the time I pretty much had to put everything on the backburner.

Summer is when I tend to let digital stuff get away from me, it's too nice outside to focus, I'd rather relax with a beer. So attempting to get into an updating routine during July is ambitious for me.

Although I should mention that for some reason, every late-february and/or march I tend to go on a two or three week digital hiatus. I just stop checking almost all social media, chatting, etc. I just watch tv and sleep. I think it's the dreary change of the seasons and by that time I've been really into being online all winter as a distraction and I must reach some sort of digital saturation point. I've had friends reach out to me asking me if I'm ok, which I am. I'm just watching reruns of shows and movies and eating snacks. It generally lasts a few weeks until I get the itch to chat online again.

So today is a very hot windless day, my favourite, I love hot summer days. And I'm here at my desk, next to the open window, with a cold pint of beer, working on a personal website. This is current me doing a serious favour for what my friends and I sometimes refer to as "Tomorrow-Man". Usually I treat Tomorrow-Man terribly, staying up late drinking, going to bed late, etc. And the next day you generally then curse Yesterday-Man. That guy is a dick. Well I'm going to try to mend some of those Tomorrow-Yesterday relations. Not fully though, but a little.

So a Sunday post. I'm then going to work on the backlog of posts for at least this week, which is what I really need in case any more sudden events happen.


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