The Big Kerpow
Questionable Content
Dumbing of Age
Wilde Life
False Knees
Scary Go Round
Bad Machinery
Steeple Church
Art Station
We Start with the History, and the Rules
Posted: February 26 2024
Written: February 26 2024
Welcome back to Surfacingpoint. I first launched it back in 2002 on server running from my desktop computer, I didn't have a dot-com name back then so I had to post the IP address in my MSN Messenger name, mostly because every few weeks my internet provider would rotate the IP addresses and suddenly no one could find my tiny little site.
This was a site for only a few friends to view. It was one-half blog, one-half personal experimental photoshop abstract art showcase in the form of weird site designs, every page was different from the last, I wanted the internet to be weird and artsy back then, I think I still want that today.
Later I would get a dot-com name, and clean up the site a bit more, trying to make my artsy site into a weird hybrid of abstract and corporate. Throw in a lot of css and a small php script and the designs used to change every thirty minutes, I could have nice bright designs in the daytime, darker designs later on, before Night Mode was a common feature on the apps, actually it was even before the apps. Clearly I recieved no credit for this, no one really visited my site. There wasn't much reason for repeat visitors back then.
I was bad at posting, and surfacingpoint just became an online bookmark site for myself, mostly for the long list of webcomics I read back then. After a while I let the hosting go, kept the dot-com name, its still safe and registered, but it will stay dormant I think for a while longer. This incarnation of surfacingpoint is going to skip the artsy design, slick php/css gimmicks, I'm going to try to focus on posting. Instead of sitting down everyday, being creative daily, which is often interrupted by everything else going on, I came up with an idea.
Maybe I should just write my posts in advance, bank them, take the pressure off myself.
So that's what I plan on doing, write what I'm thinking about, or maybe just post a picture of what I see while I'm out and about, although I think all picture posts should be accompanied with some sort of description, or context. I dislike it when people post a picture with no words attached. Oh I've been meaning to think up of some rules.
I have some rules, these as of yet personal unwritten rules might have to be finally written down. Let's give'er a try.
-Pictures should have a description/context accompanying it. Even if it's just a pic of a street, the when and where is nice to have.
-Don't post personal information, the internet rules from the 90's are in effect. I won't be posting super personal info, nothing about my address, or what I do for a living. I don't trust most people, I really don't trust the weirdest of those online. Yet I still think I can post while enforcing these conditions.
-Post for myself, but also as if complete strangers are reading this. Back in the day I used to like finding a blog or a livejournal of someone who posted semi-frequently, read about their life, like a little one-person soap opera. Some were really interesting, but most slowly went quiet and stopped posting. While every post should be for myself, and not pandering, I do like to think "what would a stranger think about this, am I making any sense to them?" Post for me, but be clear enough for others.
But now we are back again, I found out about almost by accident, free site, no ads, decent hosting space. I jumped at the chance to have a free little site again, I joined about a year ago, again I was distracted, but it was always on my mind.
For now the goal is to post at least once a week until I get back into the swing of things. Don't use up all my post ideas right away. Someday I'd like to have daily posts, give friends and strangers a reason to visit my little corner of the internet. I have project ideas, things I'd like to slowly develop here. I want to go through my digital collection of photos I've taken over the past twenty years, maybe find some gems in there.
I've got ideas and things I want to share and I wanted a place that was all mine to do that. I've been becoming unimpressed by the state of the social media platforms lately, and they can go away in a blink of an eye and you can lose everything, accounts can be hacked, banned, poof, gone.
I have resurfaced again, here at surfacingpoint.
-I don't even know if I should sign my name here, maybe that could be a topic for another day?