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Photo Friday - Garrison Crossing and Love Park
Posted: March 01 2024 | Written: March 01 2024

Well I'm posting twice in a week, but I think photo posts aren't as involved as a larger text post. Although setting up my watermark photoshop file took a little bit of work. In previous site incarnations I would add a little watermark in the corner of any pics I uploaded, but we all know how easy it is to crop out a watermark so I've decided to overlay them all across the pictures. If I'm going to do the work, I'm going to mark what's mine.

Garrison Crossing. Photo Taken: August 16 2023

Taken last summer on what looks like a hot day, Garrison Crossing is a pedestrian/cycle path that connects the waterfront to Wellington West Ave via two very nice bridges. It's a favourite route of mine, although it's not maintained during the winter so you have to hope the weather is nice for it to be passable. It also has this very nice view of the downtown core.

Love Park. Photo Taken: June 27 2023

Another test picture, the first pic was for a portrait, and this one for landscape pictures. Just look at those watermarks, wonderful.

Love Park, located at York & Queens Quay West, opened last year. It was delayed, like everything, by the pandemic. It has a large shallow pool in the shape of a heart with a small island in the center for a large tree.

People seemed to get upset last year that the water of the new park turned green, turns out that was the plan, the city wanted it to be more of a natural pool, and it takes a while to get to that healthy balance, so the colour green was apparently expected.

It also has several bronze statues around of various animals, maybe later I should go get some pics of them when the weather is nicer.

I think "Photo Friday" might have to be a regular occurance.


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